Macronutrients, micronutrients, spare forms of P and K, humus
Scope of the study:
- Soil pH inH2O(soil pH),
- Mineral nitrogen(N-NO3, N-NH4),
- Macronutrients (phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, sodium),
- Micronutrients (boron, copper, iron, manganese, zinc),
- Spare, potentially available forms of phosphorus and potassium: Agro Smart Lab’s proprietary method to determine the pool of spare, potentially available mineral forms of these elements. By using special microorganisms, they can be made available to plants,
- Humus content.
Price: 199 PLN gross
Knowledge of the content of elements available to plants in the soil is the key to obtaining satisfactory yields both in terms of quality and quantity. Adequate nutrient content is essential for proper plant growth. Both their deficiency and excess can negatively affect the crops grown. A regulated soil reaction affects the ability of plants to take up elements from the soil, thus increasing the efficiency of fertilizers used and contributing to soil quality.
Benefits of micronutrient testing: Their deficiency can cause many negative effects – it disrupts the growth and development of the plant, leads to the appearance of physiological diseases. Micronutrients influence, among other things. on proper uptake of macronutrients from soils, appearance, condition and healthiness of plants. Determining their content in the soil will determine whether the abundance of micronutrients is sufficient to provide the plant with the right conditions for growth.
The benefits of studying the spare, potentially available forms of phosphorus and potassium: Surplus potassium and especially phosphorus that the plant has not taken up at once with the crop can be deposited for years in mineral reserve forms, which unfortunately are not available to the plant. With information about the content of these forms in the soil, special microorganisms can be used to release phosphorus and potassium to plants and thus reduce fertilization with these nutrients.
In the case of phosphorus, we’re talking about medium- and low-soluble phosphates, which are formed through the natural process of phosphate ion volatilization. This process reduces the available amount of phosphorus and deposits it in mineral reserves, which, with the participation of appropriate strains of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (known as PSB), can be made available to the plant.
In the case of potassium, we are mainly referring to bacteria that have the ability to dissolve minerals from the silicate and aluminosilicate group that have potassium in their composition (e.g., orthoclase, biotite, muscovite) or that contain potassium trapped in the interlayer spaces of certain minerals such as illite. These minerals are carriers of potassium, which can be used very little by plants.
Samples should not be taken:
- At the edge of the field up to 5 m
- in the places left by stoops and mounds
- in ditches, furrows, molehills and gravel pits
- in depressions and sharp elevations of the terrain (if necessary, take additional samples from these places).
- Immediately after the application of mineral fertilizers (up to 3 weeks after application)
- after organic fertilization
- and during periods of excessive drought or heavy rainfall